Quality Service Is Not Expensive, It's Priceless.

Thursday Jun 28th, 2018


On average, families move about every five years and we are always looking for repair and service people we can trust. Most of us rely on wise neighbors for referrals to reliable plumbers, painters and auto mechanics. Still, it takes time to develop your own personal relationships with them. Here are some ways that may help give you more confidence in your choices until you and your service people have bonded. Ask around for shops and services before you need them. Don’t put off... [read more]


Thursday Jun 28th, 2018


A shopkeeper was dismayed when a brand-new business much like his own opened up next door and erected a huge sign that read, “BEST DEALS.” He was horrified when another competitor opened up on his right, and announced its arrival with an even larger sign that read, “LOWEST PRICES.” The shopkeeper panicked, until he got an idea. He put the biggest sign of all over his own shop. It read: “MAIN ENTRANCE.”   [read more]

Real estate trends 2017: Will Toronto prices catch up to Vancouver’s?

Monday Jun 5th, 2017


A new real estate forecast for Canada predicts ups and downs ahead in 2017: Vancouver will slump, the GTA will soar.   Real estate in Canada’s largest markets became increasingly unaffordable for many in 2016, and the spectre of a crash loomed. “The price of a home in Canada increased 13.0 per cent year-over-year to $558,153 in the fourth quarter of 2016 – the highest year-over-year national home price increase recorded in over a... [read more]

Why Does Reheated Coffee Taste Bad?

Monday Jun 5th, 2017


It has nothing to do with the microwave and everything to do with the volatility of aromas and chemicals in coffee.  Coffee is all about science. The drink has over 1,000 aroma compounds, plus a complex profile of proteins and acids. Several studies point out that the intensity of the 'roasty-sulfury' odor of coffee plays a key role in how it tastes. The odor decreases rapidly after initial brewing as it loses those aromatics to evaporation, resulting in a loss of... [read more]

Brampton's Real Estate Market is Blowing Up

Monday Jun 5th, 2017


Toronto homes selling for way over asking has become the norm these days as home owners and realtors try to get a handle on just how much they can ask for in a real estate market that's scorching hot.  But you know something really wild is happening when the trend extends to Brampton and Vaughan.  Late last year, the latter city was the focus of much attention when a rather pedestrian home sold for $400K over asking after receiving roughly 50 offers over... [read more]



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